The sigil of Lucifer - on the right,
correlates to the Globe Earth Model…you can make the correlations or you can ignore or deny it…your choice…
really try to think for yourself though…
this world has been under a powerful spell since we’ll forever…a very clever Neoteric spell ….
it uses the human ego to get you to align with your own oppression, but you’re thinking that you’re aligning with your salvation…
Trusting in a system outside of your own system inside of you…not leaning on your own innerstanding….believing you are nothing…a born sinner…and giving away all your god power to an outside god that you can’t see…has made society vulnerable to manipulation…
It’s not impossible to think..
We live on a stationary flat plane….not a ball spinning at thousands of mph hurling through space…we should stop rationalizing what “they” say to make it make sense,
WHAT DO YOU SEE & FEEL #AlwaysThinking #OnTheStationaryPlaneOfEarth
