Every so called new year the media presents to society a montage of all those who perished in the previous year….why is that…
The death ritual…
…it’s been in plain sight but society hasn’t seen it that way because perspectives have been altered to see it differently
Pay attention though
Is that how a new year should kick off…hmmmm…with death…or should it be just the opposite…celebrating who was born not died…hmmm…new life..
Then soon after, some major event occurs that’s televised for all to see…hmmmm
The s h o t seen across the world
Pay attention
What does it all mean…
note; More than one psychological tactic is being used against us at the same time… is it fake or is it real, etc.
We’re in a maze of psychological tactics occurring simultaneously, hoping to lock in fear, confusion and sadness into our minds to keep us under control
Society must get out of their denial of this GAME of life that we’re all in, because prayers won’t fully work until the denial is conquered…
You can’t pray away what’s happening
YOU have to do something
It’s bigger than a sports GAME
It’s the psychological GAME gone unseen and denied by many that is the ultimate destroyer
Break the chains
Uncage your mind
Save yourself
You can do it
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