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Know that whomever wins the election was pre-selected

We've never presented any viable candidates solely coming from American citizens

All candidates have been presented to us

How many more generations will go by for us to figure this out

Picket signs and protesting has become cliche

It's simply a weekend event to attend then go back to work on Monday

We're just being distracted by entertainment and our favorite celebrities so we don't focus on the REAL issues

We're being fleeced out of our hard earned money donating to candidates who have billionaires

as friends

Why does the hard working have to donate - where is that money going - haven't they taken enough from our weekly checks

VOTING has all been psychological

To make the masses of us believe they are actually participating and making a difference in the elections


A subconscious spell to justify whatever harm comes to them because they "voted" for someone - nobody likes to admit they've been fooled


The masses are only jumping on the bandwagon of the most catchy marketing campaigns

Souls are once again fleeced and captured in a corrupt system


Over taxed

Over worked

Over ruled




Living on this beautiful earth

In an open cage

Not even knowing that they can be free


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